AO Page 108
Posted August 2, 2024 at 1:14 pm

"I don't get it, so you sign an Angelic Contract to wipe away your sins? What, like the ones that made God leave?"

"Yeah, but like... everything! If you feel guilty about something, they say that guilt will fade after signing!"

"So bad guys can just do bad things and then get away with it??"

"Well, it's a one time thing I guess. Somehow the sins will all go towards a weapon to be used against the Demons, pretty cool right?"

"Oh! Hey that is pretty cool! You signed it? How do you feel?"

"Yeah! I mean, I'm a pretty awesome person so OBVIOUSLY I didn't feel much, but it did feel good! And maybe my itty sins will kill a demon, somehow?"

"Okay okaaaay I'll go right now. I'll drag my no good brother along with me as well, he needs it!"

-Recorded conversation between two Citizens within the City of Glass
