AO Page 99
Posted July 1, 2024 at 2:52 pm

The Council of the Edges is PROUD to announce a historic opportunity to all people of the Continent!

The Angels have found away to cleanse sin, and are now sharing this opportunity with all of Humanity.

Demons feed on sin, and by annulling the sin of Humanity Demonnkind will be made weak and easy to dispose of, according to the High Angel.

All participating Walled Cities will have sign up sheets. Please fill out the confidential form marking down all your past Sins. Any Sin that you put onto these Holy Papers will then be cleansed once the Angelic Ritual takes place in a few months.

Hurry, because the Ritual can only be performed once!

Praise the Angels, and Praise Humanity!

-Joint announcement by the Council of the Edges and the Angels
