After the brief struggle for control, I very quickly achieved the dominant position. Jern, Vapula, Sangui, and Buzhum slowly came into positions of power over the next few hundred years.
The council fluctuated in size, and some powerful and not so powerful Demon Masters came and went. I think I only had to intervene once or twice to stop any one of them from becoming TOO powerful.
Dzu I will refrain from commenting on.
Bael is interesting to me. She claims to be one of the Originals, but I do not believe her. She has used her power with finesse, but it is quite limited. It does not really matter, to me, but I am amused to see her try so hard to climb.
If the others found out I assume they would topple her and divide her assets amongst themselves. But I always appreciate a fast learner, and she is nothing if not that.
I do make sure to always keep an eye on her. She is a little TOO interested in learning, especially things she has no business looking into.
-Carefully categorized note written by the Demon Master, The Headmaster. Now owned by the Demon Master Bael