I had the strangest and most exhilarating conversation of my life! I was contacted by THE SNOW QUEEN!!
She had read my letter in protest against "Historically Accurate Mundanity". She felt that out of the many experts she had looked into, I had the greatest knowledge and was the most willing to shut down arguments that created a "false history".
She is truly a being of unknowable power, and many say she is HIGHLY dangerous, but simultaneously- I cannot help but be flattered. She is VERY intelligent, and I don't remember the last time I have had such an enjoyable time simply talking!
She asked for my reference files, and although normally I am quite protective of my research, I was willing to make an exception and will be sending her copies.
She has asked to do weekly calls, and I am simply thrilled to agree! Sorry, I don't mean to brag, but WOW!
-A feverish letter to a friend of the (H)istorian Costanza Godhand